What is this neck mass? A 47-yo India-born male with chronic hep C, hepatocellular carcinoma, on tacrolimus and steroids s/p liver transplant, presents with fever, left lower lobe consolidation, pleural effusion. Ten days later, a submandibular mass developed.
Hepatocellular carcinoma
Kaposi sarcoma
Mycobacterium tuberculosis
Non-Hodgkin lymphoma
Posttransplant lymphoproliferation
You are correct. Liver biopsies show granulomata. A neck mass fine-needle aspirate showed acid-fast bacilli. Reactivated TB is the commonest cause of clinical TB after solid organ transplantation.
A 53-yo man noted an itchy, red rash on his ankle after a trip to Brazil. He was bitten while on a beach and covered the bite with a bandage. The bite mark extended itself 1 cm to 2 cm per day in a serpiginous pattern. He was otherwise well. What is it?
Tungiasis (burrowing flea)
Lyme erythema migrans
Chagas disease (T. cruzi)
Lymphatic filariasis (Brugia malayi)
Cutaneous larva migrans
You are correct. Cutaneous larva migrans is a common tropical/subtropical dermatosis caused by penetration and migration of hookworm larvae. The highly pruritic, advancing, serpiginous eruption is typically self-limiting.