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Age-Related Low Testosterone Dx/Tx | 2020 epocrates Guideline Synthesis
Key Points
Confirm low T at least twice before starting tx; 30% of pts w/ low T on initial test will be NL on repeat. Tx based on presence of s/sx. Link btwn testosterone replacement tx (TRT) and ↑prostate CA, CV, clot risk inconclusive. Titrate TRT to mid-NL range levels, & d/c TRT if no improvement in s/sx.
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Based on guidelines from multiple specialty societies & agencies
Epocrates Guideline Synopsis Last Update: Oct 14, 2022
Publication Year:
ACP American College of Physicians
AM morning
AUA American Urological Association
BMD bone mineral density
CHF congestive heart failure
CV cardiovascular
DM diabetes mellitus
DRE digital rectal exam
ES Endocrine Society
ESRD end-stage renal dz
EtOH alcohol
FSH follicle-stimulating hormone
hCG human chorionic gonadotropin
Hct hematocrit
HIV human immunodeficiency virus
IM intramuscular
IPSS International Prostate Symptom Score
LH luteinizing hormone
LUTS lower urinary tract symptoms
MI myocardial infarction
MRI magnetic resonance imaging
OSA obstructive sleep apnea
PO oral
PSA prostate-specific antigen
SERM selective estrogen receptor modulator
SHBG sex hormone binding globulin
Sx symptoms
T testosterone
TRT testosterone replacement therapy
Tx treatment
VTE venous thromboembolic event
XRT radiation therapy