epocrates® CME
Put your CME activities on the platform that 1.1 million+ clinicians use and trust.
Want to reach more clinicians? You’ve come to the right platform.
epocrates continues to invest in epocrates CME. Our state-of-the-art platform helps busy clinicians discover activities, save favorites, and view personalized recommendations. And with an attractive new pricing model, there’s never been a better time to get on board.
The reference that clinicians reach for first.
Active app users1
Learner to certificate earner conversion rate2

Take clinicians on a learning journey you design.
epocrates CME Series lets you curate a multi-activity content journey for clinicians. Your premium landing page showcases two or more CME activities, as well as external resources. Choose CME Series when you want to feature multiple activities from one grant or similar therapeutic areas.

The more we innovate for clinicians, the better it is for you.
Busy clinicians now see a personalized view of recommended activities, and receive notifications about activities relevant to their field. They can also save activities to access at their convenience. These innovations help drive engagement with your CME content – whenever clinicians have time to learn.
Raise your hand to learn more.
Like you, epocrates is committed to educating clinicians so they can deliver better patient care. Schedule a meeting today to discover how epocrates CME can expand your reach to our active, engaged user base.
1 epocrates Analytics. Unique users between February 2022 and March 2023
2 epocrates Analytics, 2022 learner data