Highlights & Basics
- Cauda equina syndrome (CES) is caused by compression of the lumbosacral nerve roots of the cauda equina.
- CES is a neurosurgical emergency, and delays in diagnosis and treatment may lead to permanent disability.
- Features of CES include: low back pain; bilateral or unilateral sciatica; progressive neurologic deficits; difficulty starting or stopping urination or impaired sensation of urinary flow; urgency; urinary retention with overflow urinary incontinence; loss of sensation of rectal fullness; fecal incontinence; laxity of the anal sphincter; saddle anesthesia or paraesthesia; and sexual dysfunction.
- Not all patients show all of the above features, but bladder dysfunction is an essential component of CES.
- Magnetic resonance imaging is carried out as soon as possible in patients with suspected CES.
Quick Reference
History & Exam
Key Factors
Other Factors
Diagnostics Tests
Treatment Options
Todd NV, Dickson RA. Standards of care in cauda equina syndrome. Br J Neurosurg. 2016 Oct;30(5):518-22.[Abstract]
The Royal College of Emergency Medicine. Cauda equina syndrome position statement. Feb 2020 [internet publication].[Full Text]
Finucane LM, Downie A, Mercer C, et al. International framework for red flags for potential serious spinal pathologies. J Orthop Sports Phys Ther. 2020 Jul;50(7):350-72.[Abstract][Full Text]
Expert Panel on Neurological Imaging., Hutchins TA, Peckham M, et al. ACR appropriateness criteria® low back pain: 2021 update. J Am Coll Radiol. 2021 Nov;18(11s):S361-79.[Abstract][Full Text]
Germon T, Ahuja S, Casey ATH, et al. British Association of Spine Surgeons standards of care for cauda equina syndrome. Spine J. 2015 Mar 2;15(3 suppl):S2-4.[Abstract]
Chau AM, Xu LL, Pelzer NR, et al. Timing of surgical intervention in cauda equina syndrome: a systematic critical review. World Neurosurg. 2014 Mar-Apr;81(3-4):640-50.[Abstract][Full Text]
Epstein NE. Review/perspective: operations for cauda equina syndromes - "The sooner the better". 2022 Mar 25;13:100.[Abstract][Full Text]
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