Highlights & Basics
- Mucormycosis is predominantly a disease of immunocompromised patients.
- Five types are commonly described: rhino-orbito-cerebral (most common), pulmonary, cutaneous, disseminated, and gastrointestinal (rare).
- Histopathology of affected tissue is key to obtaining a definitive diagnosis.
- Rhinocerebral mucormycosis commonly occurs in patients with diabetes and presents with headache, visual changes, sinusitis, and, later, proptosis.
- Pulmonary mucormycosis commonly presents as a cough in patients with underlying malignancy or transplant (bone marrow or solid organ). Late diagnosis may result in dissemination, leading to high mortality.
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Antachopoulos C, Gea-Banacloche JC, Walsh TJ. Zygomycosis (mucormycosis). In: Hospenthal DR, Rinaldi MG, eds. Diagnosis and treatment of human mycoses. New York, NY: Springer; 2008:227-43.
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