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Black Box Warnings .
Fluid and Electrolyte Depletion
potent diuretic in excessive amts can cause profound diuresis w/ water/electrolyte depletion; individualize dose and schedule w/ medical supervision
Adult Dosing .
Dosage forms: TAB: 20 mg, 40 mg, 80 mg
Dosage Forms Discontinued in US
- [oral solution, IM, IV not avail. as brand; see generic]
- [PO route]
- Dose: 40-120 mg/day PO divided qd-bid; Start: 20-80 mg PO x1, may incr. by 20-40 mg PO q6-8h; Max: 600 mg/day; Info: for pts w/ CHF, hepatic dz or renal dz; titrate to effect; maint. dose may be given intermittently
- [IM/IV route]
- Dose: individualize dose IM/IV qd-bid; Start: 20-40 mg IM/IV x1, may incr. by 20 mg IM/IV q2h; Alt: 0.1 mg/kg/dose IV x1, then 0.1 mg/kg/h IV, then may double dose q2h up to 0.4 mg/kg/h IV; Info: for pts w/ CHF, hepatic dz or renal dz; titrate to effect
pulmonary edema, acute
- [40-80 mg IV x1]
- Start: 40 mg IV x1, may incr. dose to 80 mg IV x1 after 1h
- [10-40 mg PO bid]
- Start: 40 mg PO bid
hypercalcemia (off-label)
- [120 mg/day PO divided qd-tid]
- Alt: 80-100 mg IM/IV q1-2h; Info: give w/ saline
renal dosing
- [see below]
- anuria: contraindicated
- HD/PD: no adjustment; no supplement
hepatic dosing
- [see below]
- cirrhosis or ascites: not defined, caution advised
Peds Dosing .
- Dosage forms: TAB: 20 mg, 40 mg, 80 mg
Dosage Forms Discontinued in US
- [oral solution, IM, IV not avail. as brand; see generic]
- [PO route, neonates]
- Dose: 1-4 mg/kg PO qd-bid; Start: 2 mg/kg PO x1, may incr. by 1-2 mg/kg/dose PO q6-8h; Max: 6 mg/kg/dose; Info: for pts w/ CHF, hepatic dz or renal dz; titrate to effect; poor bioavailability when given PO
- [PO route, infants/children]
- Dose: 1-6 mg/kg PO q12-24h; Start: 2 mg/kg PO x1, may incr. by 1-2 mg/kg/dose PO q6-8h; Max: 6 mg/kg/dose; Info: for pts w/ CHF, hepatic dz or renal dz; titrate to effect
- [IM/IV route, neonates]
- Dose: 0.5-1 mg/kg/dose IM/IV q8-24h; Start: 1 mg/kg/dose IM/IV x1, may incr. by 1 mg/kg/dose IM/IV q2h; Max: 2 mg/kg/dose; Info: for pts w/ CHF, hepatic dz or renal dz; titrate to effect
- [IM/IV route, infants/children]
- Dose: 1-2 mg/kg/dose IM/IV q6-12h; Start: 1 mg/kg/dose IM/IV x1, may incr. by 1 mg/kg/dose IM/IV q2h; Max: 6 mg/kg/dose; Alt: 0.1 mg/kg/dose IV x1, then 0.05-0.4 mg/kg/h IV; Info: for pts w/ CHF, hepatic dz or renal dz; titrate to effect
hypercalcemia (off-label)
- [25-50 mg IM/IV q4h]
- Info: give w/ saline
renal dosing
- [see below]
- anuria: contraindicated
- HD/PD: no adjustment; no supplement
hepatic dosing
- [see below]
- cirrhosis or ascites: not defined, caution advised