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coenzyme Q-10
common name
Entire Monograph
Reported Uses
- NOTE: see Herb & Supplement Effectiveness Rating Definitions table
- ADHD [Insufficient Evidence]
- age-related macular degeneration [Insufficient Evidence]
- aging [Insufficient Evidence]
- Alzheimer dz [Possibly Ineffective]
- amyotrophic lateral sclerosis [Possibly Ineffective]
- angina [Insufficient Evidence]
- anthracycline-induced cardiotoxicity [Insufficient Evidence]
- asthma [Insufficient Evidence]
- athletic performance [Likely Ineffective]
- autism spectrum disorder [Insufficient Evidence]
- bipolar disorder [Insufficient Evidence]
- BPH [Insufficient Evidence]
- breast CA [Insufficient Evidence]
- cancer [Insufficient Evidence]
- cardiac event prevention, post-MI [Possibly Effective]
- cardiomyopathy, dilated [Insufficient Evidence]
- cardiomyopathy, hypertrophic [Insufficient Evidence]
- cardiovascular dz [Insufficient Evidence]
- cataracts, postop [Insufficient Evidence]
- cerebellar ataxia [Insufficient Evidence]
- CHF [Possibly Effective]
- chronic fatigue syndrome [Insufficient Evidence]
- cocaine dependence [Insufficient Evidence]
- coenzyme Q10 deficiency [Likely Effective]
- COPD [Insufficient Evidence]
- COVID-19 [Insufficient Evidence]
- critical illness (trauma) [Insufficient Evidence]
- cyclic vomiting syndrome [Insufficient Evidence]
- diabetes mellitus [Possibly Ineffective]
- diabetic nephropathy [Insufficient Evidence]
- diabetic neuropathy [Possibly Effective]
- dry eye dz [Insufficient Evidence]
- erectile dysfxn [Insufficient Evidence]
- fatigue [Insufficient Evidence]
- fatigue, chemo-related [Possibly Ineffective]
- female infertility [Insufficient Evidence]
- fibromyalgia [Possibly Effective]
- Friedreich ataxia [Insufficient Evidence]
- hearing loss [Insufficient Evidence]
- hepatitis C [Insufficient Evidence]
- hepatotoxicity, toxin-induced [Insufficient Evidence]
- HTN [Insufficient Evidence]
- Huntington dz [Likely Ineffective]
- hyperlipidemia [Insufficient Evidence]
- ischemic reperfusion injury [Possibly Effective]
- lichen planus [Insufficient Evidence]
- male infertility [Insufficient Evidence]
- maternally inherited diabetes mellitus and deafness [Insufficient Evidence]
- metabolic syndrome [Insufficient Evidence]
- migraine prophylaxis [Possibly Effective]
- mitochondrial myopathies [Likely Effective]
- multiple sclerosis [Possibly Effective]
- muscular dystrophy [Possibly Effective]
- myalgia, statin-induced [Insufficient Evidence]
- myocarditis [Insufficient Evidence]
- myopathy, statin-induced [Insufficient Evidence]
- nonalcoholic fatty liver dz [Insufficient Evidence]
- obesity [Insufficient Evidence]
- Parkinson dz [Possibly Ineffective]
- periodontitis [Insufficient Evidence]
- Peyronie dz [Possibly Effective]
- physical performance [Insufficient Evidence]
- polycystic ovary syndrome [Insufficient Evidence]
- post-polio syndrome [Possibly Ineffective]
- Prader-Willi syndrome [Insufficient Evidence]
- pre-eclampsia [Insufficient Evidence]
- renal failure [Insufficient Evidence]
- schizophrenia [Insufficient Evidence]
- sepsis [Insufficient Evidence]
- ulcerative colitis [Insufficient Evidence]
- wrinkled skin [Insufficient Evidence]
- xerostomia [Insufficient Evidence]
Reported Doses
Safety/efficacy may not be established; reported doses may be derived from limited or potentially inadequate studies w/ variable regimens, multi-ingredient products, or where concentration of active ingredients may vary widely
Effectiveness Ratings
- [see Herb & Supplement Effectiveness Rating Definitions table]
ADHD, peds pts
- [Insufficient Evidence]
- Dose: 1-3 mg/kg/dose PO qd; Info: for pts 6-16 yo; used w/ atomoxetine
age-related macular degeneration
- [Insufficient Evidence]
- Dose: 10 mg PO qd; Info: used w/ acetyl-L-carnitine and omega-3 fatty acids
- [Insufficient Evidence]
- Dose: 60 mg PO qd; Alt: 50 mg PO tid
anthracycline-induced cardiotoxicity, peds pts
- [Insufficient Evidence]
- Dose: 100 mg PO bid; Info: for pts 3-12 yo
- [Insufficient Evidence]
- Dose: 120 mg PO qd; Info: may give in divided doses; used w/ conventional tx
autism spectrum disorder, peds pts
- [Insufficient Evidence]
- Dose: 50 mg PO bid; Start: 50 mg PO qd x7 days; Info: for pts 3-6 yo
bipolar disorder
- [Insufficient Evidence]
- Dose: 800 mg PO qd; Info: may give in divided doses
- [Insufficient Evidence]
- Dose: 100 mg PO qd; Info: used w/ L-carnitine and finasteride
- [Insufficient Evidence]
- Dose: 150 mg PO bid
cardiac event prevention, post-MI
- [Possibly Effective]
- Dose: 60 mg PO bid starting w/in 72h of MI; Alt: 250 mg NG x1, then 150 mg NG tid
cardiomyopathy, dilated
- [Insufficient Evidence]
- Dose: 3-10 mg/kg/day PO divided bid-tid; Alt: 10 mg/kg/dose PO qd; Info: for use in peds pts
cardiomyopathy, hypertrophic
- [Insufficient Evidence]
- Dose: 120-240 mg PO qd; Info: may give in divided doses
cardiovascular dz
- [Insufficient Evidence]
- Dose: 100 mg PO bid
cerebellar ataxia
- [Insufficient Evidence]
- Dose: 30 mg/kg/dose PO qd
- [Possibly Effective]
- Dose: 30-300 mg/day PO divided bid-tid; Alt: 2 mg/kg/day PO divided bid-tid; 30 mg PO qd; 600 mg PO qd; Info: may give doses >100 mg/day in divided doses; used w/ conventional tx
coenzyme Q10 deficiency, adult pts
- [Likely Effective]
- Dose: 150-2400 mg/day PO divided qd-tid
coenzyme Q10 deficiency, peds pts
- [Likely Effective]
- Dose: 60-250 mg/day PO divided qd-tid; Alt: up to 30 mg/kg/day PO divided tid
- [Insufficient Evidence]
- Dose: 90 mg PO qd
critical illness (trauma)
- [Insufficient Evidence]
- Dose: 400 mg PO qd; Info: may give in divided doses
cyclic vomiting syndrome
- [Insufficient Evidence]
- Dose: 10 mg/kg/day PO divided bid; Max: 200 mg bid; Info: for use in adult and peds pts
diabetic neuropathy
- [Possibly Effective]
- Dose: 400 mg PO qd; Alt: 100 mg PO tid; Info: may give doses >100 mg/day in divided doses; used w/ or w/o pregabalin
dry eye dz
- [Insufficient Evidence]
- Dose: 1 gtt in eye(s) bid-qid; Info: 1:1 sol w/ cross-linked hyaluronic acid
- [Insufficient Evidence]
- Dose: 60-500 mg PO qd; Info: may give doses >100 mg/day in divided doses
- [Possibly Effective]
- Dose: 300-400 mg PO qd; Info: may give in divided doses
Friedreich ataxia
- [Insufficient Evidence]
- Dose: 200 mg PO bid; Info: used w/ vitamin E
hearing loss
- [Insufficient Evidence]
- Dose: 160 mg PO qd; Info: may give in divided doses
hepatotoxicity, toxin-induced
- [Insufficient Evidence]
- Dose: 200 mg PO bid; Info: used w/ acetyl-L-carnitine and alpha-lipoic acid
- [Insufficient Evidence]
- Dose: 100-900 mg PO qd; Info: may give in divided doses; used w/ or w/o conventional tx
- [Insufficient Evidence]
- Dose: 100-500 mg PO qd; Alt: 2 mg PO qd; Info: may give doses >100 mg/day in divided doses
ischemic reperfusion injury
- [Possibly Effective]
- Dose: 150-300 mg/day PO divided qd-tid x7-14 days before bypass or vascular surgery; Alt: 5 mg/kg/dose IV x1 given 2h before bypass or vascular surgery
lichen planus
- [Insufficient Evidence]
- Dose: 120 mg mucoadhesive tab topically tid
male infertility
- [Insufficient Evidence]
- Dose: 200-400 mg PO qd; Alt: 10 mg PO tid; 20 mg PO bid; Info: may give doses >100 mg/day in divided doses
maternally inherited diabetes mellitus and deafness
- [Insufficient Evidence]
- Dose: 150 mg PO qd; Info: may give in divided doses
migraine prophylaxis, adult pts
- [Possibly Effective]
- Dose: 100-150 mg PO qd; Info: may give in divided doses
migraine prophylaxis, peds pts
- [Possibly Effective]
- Dose: 1-3 mg/kg/dose PO qd; Alt: 100 mg PO qd; 30 mg PO qd if wt <30 kg; 60 mg PO qd if wt >30 kg
mitochondrial myopathies
- [Likely Effective]
- Dose: 150-160 mg PO qd; Alt: 2 mg/kg/dose PO qd; Info: up to 3000 mg/day has been used; may give in divided doses
multiple sclerosis
- [Possibly Effective]
- Dose: 500 mg PO qd; Info: may give in divided doses
muscular dystrophy
- [Possibly Effective]
- Dose: 100 mg PO qd
myalgia, statin-induced
- [Insufficient Evidence]
- Dose: 100 mg PO qd-bid; Alt: 50 mg PO bid
- [Insufficient Evidence]
- Dose: 10 mg PO tid
myopathy, statin-induced
- [Insufficient Evidence]
- Dose: 100 mg PO bid; Alt: 60 mg PO qid
nonalcoholic fatty liver dz
- [Insufficient Evidence]
- Dose: 100 mg PO qd
- [Insufficient Evidence]
- Dose: 50 mg PO qd; Alt: apply gel topically into the periodontal pocket qd
Peyronie dz
- [Possibly Effective]
- Dose: 300 mg PO qd; Info: may give in divided doses
polycystic ovary syndrome
- [Insufficient Evidence]
- Dose: 100-200 mg PO qd; Info: may give in divided doses
Prader-Willi syndrome, peds pts
- [Insufficient Evidence]
- Dose: 2.5 mg/kg/dose PO qd
- [Insufficient Evidence]
- Dose: 100 mg PO bid until term or delivery; Start: 20 wk gestation
renal failure
- [Insufficient Evidence]
- Dose: 180 mg PO qd; Info: may give in divided doses
ulcerative colitis
- [Insufficient Evidence]
- Dose: 100 mg PO bid
wrinkled skin
- [Insufficient Evidence]
- Dose: apply 1% cream topically bid
- [Insufficient Evidence]
- Dose: 100 mg PO qd
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