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phyto-œstrogène (soy)
soy (Glycine max)
Reported Uses
- NOTE: see Herb & Supplement Effectiveness Rating Definitions table
- Alzheimer dementia [Insufficient Evidence]
- asthma [Insufficient Evidence]
- BPH [Possibly Ineffective]
- cancer prevention, breast [Possibly Effective]
- cancer prevention, cervical [Insufficient Evidence]
- cancer prevention, colorectal [Possibly Ineffective]
- cancer prevention, endometrial [Insufficient Evidence]
- cancer prevention, gastric [Insufficient Evidence]
- cancer prevention, lung [Insufficient Evidence]
- cancer prevention, thyroid [Insufficient Evidence]
- cardiovascular dz prevention [Insufficient Evidence]
- child growth [Insufficient Evidence]
- CKD [Possibly Effective]
- cognitive function [Insufficient Evidence]
- cognitive impairment [Insufficient Evidence]
- colic [Insufficient Evidence]
- Crohn dz [Insufficient Evidence]
- diabetes mellitus [Possibly Effective]
- diabetic nephropathy [Insufficient Evidence]
- diarrhea [Possibly Effective]
- dyspepsia [Insufficient Evidence]
- exercise-induced muscle soreness [Possibly Ineffective]
- fibromyalgia [Insufficient Evidence]
- galactosemia [Possibly Effective]
- hepatitis C [Insufficient Evidence]
- hot flashes, androgen deprivation tx-assoc. [Insufficient Evidence]
- hot flashes, breast CA-assoc. [Possibly Ineffective]
- HTN [Possibly Effective]
- hyperlipidemia [Possibly Effective]
- IBS [Insufficient Evidence]
- lactose intolerance [Possibly Effective]
- mastalgia [Insufficient Evidence]
- menopausal sx [Possibly Effective]
- menstrual migraine prophylaxis [Insufficient Evidence]
- metabolic syndrome [Possibly Effective]
- muscle strength [Possibly Effective]
- neonatal jaundice prevention [Insufficient Evidence]
- nonalcoholic fatty liver dz [Insufficient Evidence]
- obesity [Insufficient Evidence]
- osteoarthritis [Insufficient Evidence]
- osteoporosis [Possibly Effective]
- overall mortality [Insufficient Evidence]
- polycystic ovary syndrome [Insufficient Evidence]
- postmenopausal conditions [Insufficient Evidence]
- premenstrual syndrome [Insufficient Evidence]
- preterm labor prevention [Insufficient Evidence]
- prostate CA [Insufficient Evidence]
- rheumatoid arthritis [Insufficient Evidence]
- sarcopenia [Insufficient Evidence]
- stroke [Insufficient Evidence]
- vaginal atrophy [Insufficient Evidence]
- wrinkled skin [Insufficient Evidence]
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