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bovine colostrum
Reported Uses
- NOTE: see Herb & Supplement Effectiveness Rating Definitions table
- aging [Insufficient Evidence]
- athletic performance [Insufficient Evidence]
- autism spectrum disorder [Insufficient Evidence]
- BPH [Insufficient Evidence]
- child growth [Insufficient Evidence]
- cognitive function [Insufficient Evidence]
- critical illness (trauma) [Insufficient Evidence]
- dental plaque [Insufficient Evidence]
- diabetes mellitus, type 2 [Insufficient Evidence]
- diarrhea, HIV/AIDS-related [Possibly Effective]
- diarrhea, infectious [Possibly Effective]
- diarrhea, rotaviral [Possibly Effective]
- dry eye dz [Insufficient Evidence]
- exercise-induced respiratory infection [Possibly Effective]
- graft-versus-host dz [Insufficient Evidence]
- hematopoietic stem cell transplant [Insufficient Evidence]
- human papilloma virus [Insufficient Evidence]
- infection, chemo-related [Insufficient Evidence]
- influenza [Insufficient Evidence]
- lichen planus [Insufficient Evidence]
- malnutrition [Insufficient Evidence]
- multiple sclerosis [Insufficient Evidence]
- muscle strength [Insufficient Evidence]
- necrotizing enterocolitis prevention [Possibly Ineffective]
- oral mucositis [Insufficient Evidence]
- physical performance [Insufficient Evidence]
- prematurity [Insufficient Evidence]
- psychological well-being [Insufficient Evidence]
- sepsis [Possibly Ineffective]
- shigellosis [Insufficient Evidence]
- short bowel syndrome [Possibly Ineffective]
- Sjogren syndrome [Insufficient Evidence]
- traveler's diarrhea prophylaxis [Insufficient Evidence]
- ulcerative colitis [Insufficient Evidence]
- URI prevention [Insufficient Evidence]
- vaginal atrophy [Insufficient Evidence]
- wound healing [Insufficient Evidence]
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